About Jerry Grogg Auctioneering & Real Estate
Jerry Grogg Inc. is a professional and respectful Real Estate and Auction firm earning its reputation at every Auction we do. We specialize in Farm, Agricultural and Recreational Land acquisitions and sales. Serving the area we call home is Northeast Indiana and Southern Michigan, we are determined to keep our reputation solid as the leading provider of Auction and Real Estate services. We want to earn your business. Please contact us before you decide on which firm you want to use. We are affordable and are professional services include:

- Personal Property Appraisal
- Real Estate & Farm Valuations
- Estate Planning
- Estate Buyouts
- Dissolution Appraisal Services
- Listing Real Estate In MLS
- On-Site Live Auctions & On-Line Auctions
- Set-Up Labor Auction Expertise
- Liquidations
- Moving Services
- Storage / Consigning